Paratum Sports


Beverly Hills, CA –Paratum Inc., a financial advisory institution based in Beverly Hills, California,

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has announced that it has teamed up with two former NBA stars to provide loans and long-term financial planning advice to current NBA players affected by the ongoing labor impasse.

Paratum Inc.,, has allocated $50 million dollars to assist NBA players needing loans during the lockout and beyond. Paratum Inc. is committed to educating and providing top-notch financial coaching to NBA players eager to ensure that their basketball accomplishments and prowess translates to long-term financial security. “Players are attracted to Paratum Inc. because of the guaranteed anonymity and confidentiality, and our commitment to providing them the tools they need to help ensure their financial futures are

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secure long after their NBA careers are over” said Aaron Sokol, President of Paratum Inc.

The current economic climate is challenging forcing everyone to restructure and plan for the future. While some NBA players have received sound financial advice and planned prudently for the possibility of an extended lockout, too many have been caught unprepared for their own personal market crash precipitated by the lockout. This situation is further exacerbated by the current challenging economic climate forcing many companies, celebrities and high net-worth individuals to restructure and better plan their financial futures.

Paratum Inc. believes it is critical for athletes and others to hope for the best but plan for the worst. It is therefore committed to educating NBA players that even giants on the court are capable of falling on bad economic times. A great three-point shot does not protect players from global economic uncertainty and the lockout is forcing NBA athletes to even further reevaluate their planning needs.

Paratum Inc. is an investment and financial services boutique

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dedicated to providing customized solutions for its clients and transaction counterparties. The firm creates and utilizes innovative structured solutions for high net worth individuals, closely held businesses, hedge funds, etc. for corporate finance, securities, real estate, oil and gas, and private equity mandates. Our proprietary solutions are designed to maximize returns and mitigate tax consequences. The firm has a substantial contact base of institutions, Family offices and high net worth investors and works extensively with clients in Europe, Asia, South America, and the Middle East.